Parents have been sending their students to Brookside Charter School since 2002. There’s a reason they keep coming back!
I just wanted to express my appreciation and gratefulness of Brookside Charter. I have 2 children that attended Brookside Charter School. My oldest is now headed to high school and my youngest is headed to the 3rd grade at Brookside Charter.
Over the years we have endured all the compassion, kindness, positive reinforcement, support, patience and motivation to strive for greatness. The teachers and staff are nothing but amazing. They know all the students and parents on a first name basis. Anytime I’ve had a concern in regards to my child’s learning, I was able to get the help that was needed, no matter the time or day. The teachers are completely invested in the success of the children. You can feel the love from all the teachers and staff.
I greatly appreciate all the love and support through this journey we call education. With all being said my oldest is a straight A student, on the Principal Honor Roll, in National Junior Honor Society, on the Student Lighthouse Leadership Team and graduated with Honors.
I would highly recommend Brookside Charter to incoming students who Enter to Learn and Exit to Lead!

Crystal Johnson-Fields, Brookside Parent

Rainey Rinaldi, Brookside Parent
My son has been attending Brookside Charter since he was in third grade. His teachers took very good care of my child and this cemented my future with Brookside. In the fall, he will be going into the eighth grade. Unfortunately, we are entering our last year at Brookside and it doesn’t even seem real. I have worked with so many amazing people. His principals, James Smith and Ryan Blake have been very helpful. There are so many wonderful people that make up Brookside. I’m just lucky enough to have met so many.